A Journey Through Languages, Connections and Time
Etymøn currently holds 6,329,746 etymological connections in its dataset. It contains etymological information for more than 200 present-day languages. All the languages need equal etymological treatment without distinctions. Learn more about the diverse set of languages that Etymøn presents, here. All of the data were collected and parsed as explained in the following sections.
Here is a list of languages with highest connections in Etymøn's dataset: { English 1,276,009 | French 573,554 | German 183,401 | Turkish 44,610 | Japanese 26,454 | Arabic 20,569 | Persian 11,949 | Georgian 11,100 }
Etymøn started as an undergraduate capstone project.
So here are its reports.
We have summoned a report for this purpose, just for you! Here you go:
Project Specifications Report
Here is the Analysis Report
We now have our High Level Design Report
Ceci la Low Level Design Report
Last but not least: Final Design Report
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